(+33). ou (+33).

Visites guidées memorial Bloody GulchInteractive Tour

The Battle of Bloody Gulch and Hill 30

Visite guidée manoir de donvilleGuided tour

History and building of Donville’s Manor


Groups from 15 person10€ / Person
School groups (below 10 years)6€ / child
School groups (11 to 15 years)8€
Price for one adult12.5 € / Person
Price for one child (5 to 12 years)7€
Student, Jobseeker7€

Visits & Events Shows

For reconstitution camps, events, tours, shows and other visits, thank you to visit the dedicated pages

Voir la page événements et spectacles

Accommodation in tent US Squad II

Please contact the owner at  + ou + or fill this form

For all booking

Please contact the owner at + ou + or fill this booking form

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